
How to fix the world's problems. OK I have lofty goals, but I'm tired of just talking to my family about it. Who knows? Maybe one day the right person will read this and save the world!

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Solutions to the current energy crisis...

The following missive was sent to all 50 Senators:

A Mid-Term Solution to the Current Energy Crisis

It is the opinion of most economic experts the recent miraculous growth in China is in large part to blame for the current price of oil. In addition China is responsible for most of the trade imbalance the US currently suffers. I would like to humbly submit a solution to ameliorate both of these issues.

One of the near-term energy options we have is to switch to K85 gasoline/ethanol blend. The 85 equates to 85% ethanol. Let us fantasize for a moment and pretend the world could be using this fuel with a snap of our fingers. What do you think an 85% reduction in the use of gasoline would do to the price of a barrel of oil? Of course we can’t just snap our fingers, BUT our government can take action in ways that will yield us immediate benefit.

Although this may seem counter intuitive I’m NOT talking about a program to switch America over to this fuel. Although I think this will happen in the next 5 to 10 years I don’t think it can happen soon enough to effect a significant change in the price of a barrel of oil.

The Mid-term solution is to enable American corporations to switch CHINA over to K85 NOW. A consolidated, clear, strategy to flip our Asian partner over to this ethanol blend will have immediate effect on the price of a barrel of oil because the traders in the pit are already factoring China’s enormous growth into a barrel of oil.

The beauty of effecting this change is that it can be done rapidly in relation to the US since China has a young energy distribution system. Since their retail infrastructure is still being built out now is the time to install K85 distribution.

Now we open up a whole new world of export to our Asian counterpart. Detroit already has flex fuel cars in production and we are the world’s leader in ethanol production and technology. With a comprehensive legislative strategy of tax incentives we can turn China’s energy needs from being a drag on the world economy to having profound benefit.

With the right mix of incentives we can revitalize the automobile industry, agriculture and aid in cleaning up the environment. The legislation needs to be bold, quick, and far-reaching to affect the price of oil now. By demonstrating to Wall Street and the commodities markets that the US is serious in switching China to K85 this will have immediate effect on the price of a barrel of oil. Lip service laws will do nothing.

My recommendations would be to:

1) Give automobile manufactures tax credits for every flex fuel automobile sold in china.
2) Give ethanol producers a tax holiday for ten years.
3) Work with China so that ethanol importation by that country is duty free.
4) Give ethanol manufacturing plants generous and accelerated depreciation schedules.
5) Give %100 tax credits for all R&D spent on researching K85/ethanol technologies
6) Give tax credits to construction companies that build out K85 infrastructure in China

By taking these measures to effect real change in China’s infrastructure the global economy can benefit by reduced petroleum consumption and thus expense. Obviously these actions would also hasten a transition of all country’s energy infrastructure to a more decentralized energy source. This in of itself will democratize energy production and distribution allowing for more stable global economies.

Respectfully submitted

A. A. Roberts


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